
About CareerTrac

What is CareerTrac?

CareerTrac is a system to enable effectiveness evaluations of health research training programs, funded by various institutes/centers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

CareerTrac enables ICs and Extramural Principal Investigators to track trainees over time. The ability to capture a broad range of long-term outcomes is essential for showing the success of trainees. CareerTrac fosters this type of tracking by allowing data entry of a wide variety of accomplishments such as employment, funding, publications and patents. The system also captures narrative stories of how training grants assist trainees in their career trajectories.

CareerTrac Overview One Pager

CareerTrac History One Pager

CareerTrac FAQs

CareerTrac Overview Presentation (May 2019)

Browser Compatibility

CareerTrac is regularly tested for the three NIH supported browsers: Internet Explorer, FireFox, and Safari. CareerTrac should work properly in the most recent 2 versions of any of these browsers.

Who are the intended users of CareerTrac?

NIH Staff use CareerTrac to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of its health research training programs and also to help NIH in overall coordination of its various research training programs.

Principal Investigators and their staff use CareerTrac to help track their trainees. The system also produces the tables required for progress reports and renewal applications.

In the future, CareerTrac will also serve as a repository of training information and accomplishments for both Principal Investigators and Trainees that can be used for the purpose of self-evaluation of training programs.

How do I get more information on CareerTrac?

For general information about CareerTrac, please contact:

Program Analysis Branch
Division of Extramural Research and Training
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

For a specific question regarding access or your program, please contact the appropriate Institute Administrator below:


To ask a question or submit a comment, please CareerTrac@nih.gov We make every effort to complete the request within 2 business days.

OMB NO.: 0925-0568    Expiration Date: 07/31/2027
Version 24.12.1-99472a4